About Ona

She’s a mother of 2 and has been married for 29 years.  Ona’s a Level 2 Certified Fascial Stretch Specialistf rom Stretch To Win Institute™  in Arizona.  She became certified in 2015 and shortly started her own business to allow her to spend more time with family as well as focusing on health after struggling through some medical issues of her own. In February 2016, Ona received her level 2 certification.  It has been a life changer and can't thank Chris and Ann Fredrick enough for the opportunity to learn a skill she can give back.

Hobbies:  I loves working out, her fave is throwing around weights. Ona is currently trying to find my passion once again for running. My evenings consist of binge watching Netflix. (after a good workout, of course)

What motivates her:  “Tell me not to or that I can't do something and I will try my hardest to prove you wrong!” (unless it consists of water.. I'm out!!!)

Favorite Quote:  “Life's not about how hard you can hit... it's about how many you can take, and still keep moving forward.”

— Rocky Balboa